Laws, Celebrities and As*holes

Today, I got a couple of minutes during the lunch hour and was talking to one of my friends about how his weekend was...during our conversation, he pointed out that his "backlog" of movies and television serials was increasing. I could relate to it, since the day I have been in my first job, I have had my ever-increasing backlog of television serials and movies...

Scene changes...I am back home, surfing YouTube, checking out this amazing series on MTV India by the name of Roadies...Wait a minute, whats so amazing about it? The "F*ck" word! Alright, the "Fuck" word, or is it the way the host tries to tell the participants "Put your hand inside your ass and pull it out" (0:28)...or the way he handles his "victims" behind stage... Quite interesting

The first reaction...

This is social terrorism, anarchy against our culture...

I start asking myself questions...Does it really hurt my culture?
And I got answers...I dont think so because Raghu (The host) and many of us must've learnt these words from people older than us and they in turn from their previous generation so it has been in our culture from time immemorial. Someone would have in the first place invented these words and it wasn't this host. 

Your turn to answer questions now...Is their behaviour ethical?
Just because the common guy knows he can't bash up Raghu because of the celebrity status, gives Raghu, Nikhil or Rajeev the right to slap people in their faces...and ask them to put thier hands up in their asses. Let's ask Raghu how would he feel if I were to tell him "You fu**in ganje, put your taand in your g**nd"

This is one time (there have been many such times) in my life where I look back and think to myself...I chose the wrong profession, I should've been a judge...I'd charge Raghu (Nikhil and Rajeev), including the producers of this series and MTV of molestation, ill treatement, and various attempts to physically hurt people, deem them to be anarchists and unsafe for the society, a life sentence would sound good, and will give you guys enough chances to experiment with your hands in your as* (you know most prisons don't have a decent toilet seat)... And well if the Roadies guys believe that no one "invites" candidates to the show, don't they ought to put in a disclaimer on the enrollment form saying "By signing the form, the participant provide his/her consent to be molested and gives up his right to being protected by any and every law or authority that can be bought by the producers of this series. In addition to this, the participant has no right to retaliate in an attempt to protect himself from any assault leading to any injury/death that may be physical or psychological in nature". I dont know if they already have such a disclaimer. And if they have, does the Indian law allow that?

Back to the culture assault, yes it does hurt my culture (The emphasis is on both "my" and "culture"), it hurts the generation that is yet to come, the future of India, not because they will learn how to use the F word (Most if the kids already know how to use that - yours included) but the morbid sense of "cut the other person's throat" competition. Yes they portray on television a lot of team work but "back stabbing" comes tagged along. So what is your choice, An India where each kid is an enterprenuer or an India where Raghu has his virtues delivered deep inside your baby while its still in the womb...

My qualms are with your behaviour hosts, and not your series. You are here to entertain us, we are not here to entertain you. 

1. I hope Ram Sene or Shiv Sena dont read this post. They wouldn't see the crux and will do anything and everything Sh. Muthalik or Sh. Thackeray say (I'm quite scared to give them the Mr. title, you know western culture)

2. On second thought, I wish they do read, In fact I wish both of them read this so atleast Raghu is kindly asked to put his taand in his g**nd by some sena workers who I equate with Raghu himself in terms of their behavior.

3. Raghu and associates, I would love to name you "Rudies" instead of "Roadies". I see the "hard look" saying "I don't care". Neither do I dude.

4. I wish I were a lawyer


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