Origin of Religion?

DISCLAIMER: I am no religious expert. I have nothing to prove. I am not a missionary. I am not intending that one religious following is better than the other. I don't know what is your religion. I am just drawing links. Feel free to disagree. My post may seem to stem from Hinduism but I'm only using Hinduism where the links seem missing. The idea is not to prove who's the daddy.
If you still feel that something is not apt here, use your right to abstain and please stop wherever you are, please do not read further. Be responsible that you read this fully understanding your temperament and religious beliefs.

As a kid, I read a story about Valmiki the saint... He was a dacoit before attaining nirvana ... one fine day he met Narad who asked him to speak "mara mara mara mara..." repeatedly and all he realized after a while he was uttering "rama rama rama rama..."

Have you tried speaking "Brahma Brahma Brahma..." or "Abraham Abraham Abraham..."?

And then "Abraham (आब्रह्म)" and "Aadam/आदम " (Adam) sound so similar... Adam was the first man on earth and so was Brahma as in the Indian mythology.

Abraham's wife was Sarah, Brahma's wife Saraswati (सरस्वती)... Sara(swati) = Sara(h)? Try speaking Sara:swati (as in sanskrit), you'd hear Sarahaswati (सारःस्वती)

All the religious gents can disagree with me, I've nothing to prove, but here comes more...

Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ismael

Try speaking Isaac, not like the Western world but imagine you were naming your kid in the eastern world sounds like "Eesaaaah..." (ईसा:)? In the western world, Alejandra is spoken as Aleyhandra, not ale-jan-dra... now try speaking Jesus, given the rules of pronunciation, what does it sound like? Yhes-us or Yeshu (येशु)? Jesus Christ is called Yeshu in Hindi...Some pieces falling into place...?

Vishnu and Shiva are considered the sons of Brahma in Indian mythology, Krishna was an avatar of Vishnu but assuming Jesus Christ = Isaac = Son of Brahma, would Yeshu Chris(t) = Krish(na) or (क्रिस)? A little slip of tongue happening over physical boundaries and time?

Some well known people have already suggested similar ideas...

Agree or disagree, we're all siblings and cousins... and yet hateful...

I am still searching for more links esp the lineage of Ismael...


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