Google Android on the EEPC- 701
I installed Google Android on the EEE 701 today.
6) No Mouse pointer. Gotta work with arrow keys. I am only worried I don't want to get used to the arrow keys for all navigation
11) Since no mouse, cannot really access stuff on the taskbar. See 6 Will have to mod the EEE to get a touchscreen
My first thoughts:
1) Cool cool cool, limited limited limited
2) As a netbook user I should shift to Android, As a PC user I am happy with Ubuntu
3) Things like Messaging are useless on a netbook, unless you've a way of getting onto GSM/3G from the netbook
4) Very fast as compared to Ubuntu/WInXp (Dont even think of a comparison).
5) Beautiful, just like Win 7/ Ubuntu
6) I got to see the mouse pointer on a reboot.
7) An on screen keyboard pops up when a text field is highlighted. Kind of useless if on netbooks like EEEPC
8) My screen started flickering when Android makes the EEPC go to standby
9) Did not have a webcam to test
10) Could not read the EXT4 formatted SD Card
12) Overall, awesome but needs some work for port to netbooks
13) Loved the way contacts appear up like in a standard phone, big and bold
14) Could not get around attaching files in an email. Very required for a netbook (I love to send photos around)
15) Games are very cool and they worked ootb