Google Android on the EEPC- 701

I installed Google Android on the EEE 701 today.

My first thoughts:

1) Cool cool cool, limited limited limited
2) As a netbook user I should shift to Android, As a PC user I am happy with Ubuntu
3) Things like Messaging are useless on a netbook, unless you've a way of getting onto GSM/3G from the netbook
4) Very fast as compared to Ubuntu/WInXp (Dont even think of a comparison).
5) Beautiful, just like Win 7/ Ubuntu
6) No Mouse pointer. Gotta work with arrow keys. I am only worried I don't want to get used to the arrow keys for all navigation
6) I got to see the mouse pointer on a reboot.
7) An on screen keyboard pops up when a text field is highlighted. Kind of useless if on netbooks like EEEPC
8) My screen started flickering when Android makes the EEPC go to standby
9) Did not have a webcam to test
10) Could not read the EXT4 formatted SD Card
11) Since no mouse, cannot really access stuff on the taskbar. See 6 Will have to mod the EEE to get a touchscreen
12) Overall, awesome but needs some work for port to netbooks
13) Loved the way contacts appear up like in a standard phone, big and bold
14) Could not get around attaching files in an email. Very required for a netbook (I love to send photos around)
15) Games are very cool and they worked ootb


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